Friday, May 23, 2014

Final for Computer Graphics

Using Adobe InDesign create a document where you are to make a final presentation with several of the projects you have created this semester in this class.

The presentation should include as a minimum the following projects:

  • Cover Page
  • Business Card and the Logo you created
  • Self Portrait
  • College created in Illustrator
  • College made using Photoshop
  • Newsletter created in InDesign (you only need to include a couple of pages from it)
  • A Page about Color

Friday, May 9, 2014

Art 72 Spring 2014 SLO

Art 72 Spring 2014 SLO

Analyze the objective and subjective qualities of your computer generated project utilizing basic art vocabulary, as well as computer graphics-specific terminology.

Using your Color Matters project, write a one page document that addresses the SLO for Spring 2014. Explain how this project helped you to understand the software features of the software InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Also, how it aided you in your understanding of basic art terms as they related to color.

Please be as specific as possible in describing your ob- ject and subjective responses. For example:
I liked the freedom to interpret the various color wheels on my own and design them as I would like. I also liked how I could use the tools (Star & Circle) and the divide object below feature using Illustrator to make the
color wheels. 


When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves.

Victor E. Frankl